

Dedicated to all women who have endured the pain of a cheating partner. Please also send anonymously to any ‘he-goat’ you know. lol. *wink* Letter To The He-Goat, Greetings dear mkpi n’agbalora 1 of our kingdom. It is with great reverence of you and all your achievements that I write this letter. Who in this kingdom is not aware of all the great dangers you have surmounted to attain this great  title.Even  a little child knows it is no small feat. You who prowl the night while lesser men sleep and with the watchful eyes of an eagle scan the street for the next battle to  conquer.You  are fearless, dogged in determination and courageous as you go after your  conquest. With  great detail and precision, you pick out your next prey, making sure all the  i’s  are dotted and all the  t’s  are crossed. Ventures like this cost money, with the astuteness of a shrewd business man, you make sure your choice of conquest matches your mone...

The East remembers...The Carnage of Agha Biafra...

The old man in this picture is blind and stands everyday at Arroma junction Awka begging those boarding buses to Onitsha for money while he sings the following words              Agha o!              Agha ajoka!              Agha mesirim ike              Shelling baram anya              Nwannem nyere my aka o!              Isi ajoka! Papa sings this song over and over with outstretched arms begging alms. He says shards of shelling got into his eyes during the war and blinded him.     Grandma said my father hadnt always been her first son...she had Nwachukwu before my father but he got lost while they fled from one village to another during the war. ****************************************** Yesterday,May30th was the remembrance day for the fallen heroes o...

Shredded beef veggie stir fry

So I made this simply delicious, easy-to-make meal. You can whip this up in just fifteen minutes or less!Great when you have unexpected guests and u need to cook something really delicious n fanciful. Here's the recipe below... INGREDIENTS 1 large cabbage Handful of carrots 3 large green peppers 5 medium red peppers 1 clove of garlic Curry Maggi Thyme Shallot Tumeric Onions Salt 1 cooking spoon of groundnut oil I tablespoon of soysauce 3 table spoons of oyster sauce Beef METHOD Cut the beef into long strands and set aside or just buy already shredded beef from shoprite Cut all the veggies(cabbage, carrot,green pepper, garlic,red pepper, onions) into long strands too and set aside. Pour the cooking oil into a non stick frying pan and allow to heat slightly,add a teeny little bit of salt, then add the shredded beef and fry until it browns. Add the veggies and stir then quickly Add the maggi,shallot,curry,thyme,tumeric, soysauce and oyster sauce, then stir f...

Just for laughs...

Some people will believe anything u say if u have the right expression on.So I was about to leave for the state library to round up my research on the origin of Igbos(coming soon on this blog) when my sister asked where I was going. I replied that I was going to Nhi- the land of dwarves to do a story on them. She was enthralled and asked if there were actual dwarves there and if there were normal sized people there too.I replied in the affirmative and added that the normal people where the few women who had married dwarf men and their even fewer offspring that had escaped dwarfism.I then went on to explain their quaint little houses and how every thing in their kingdom was dwarf-size even the trees.she was almost bursting with excitement and begged to follow let her follow me.She took lots of selfies and tweeted "off to Nhi the land of in a bit" n her social media crew was agog with excitement as she patiently replied all their questions on the p...


I have always wanted to blog,to write as far back as I knew what it was to truly want something.I kept on giving myself excuses why I couldn't start and they were all valid reasons but then I realized that there will always be a million and one valid reasons why I can't start and if I decided to start regardless,I could find a million and one reasons to do so.So here I am starting...its not exactly all I wanted the way I wanted  but its a start.You should too....start whatever you've always wanted to do,no matter how small.Take those tiny steps never could matter a lot someday!